Lexington Spring Welcome on Deck!

February 29 – March 3, 2024

n addition to our roster of class offerings, we’re delighted to announce the addition of two new fun exhibition classes scheduled for Saturday night, March 2.

The Adult Leadline Exhibition. That’s right, riders, it’s time to saddle up your mom, dad, groom, grandparent or trainer for this fun-filled competition. Riders will be judged at the walk, and safety attire is required. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative, most correct hunter attire, most original, most Spring-like and more! The entry fee is $10.00, and the experience is priceless!

Saturday night also features the debut of the Springtime Hunt Teams Exhibition. Teams of three will compete over a course single file, finishing the final threefold fence line abreast. This is judged as a handy hunter round and fence heights are offered at 2’3, 2’6” and 2’9”. Dress up your team like spring flowers, Barbies (and/or Kens), Swifties, ‘Old Frontier’, Superheroes, or other fun ideas—prizes awarded to the most creative (and safe) attire.

Entry fee is $25.00 per horse.

The show is USEF “National” Rated and recognized by the NCHJAVHSAMHSA and SWVHJA, and includes qualifying classes for the Virginia Hunter Championships, presented by Markel, and the Amy Y. Reistrup Equitation Challenge.

Classes will be held in the Anderson Coliseum and in the Reel Arena. No matter the weather, we’ve got you covered! 

Attentions Sponsors & Vendors

The Lexington Spring Welcome is produced to benefit the Virginia Horse Center Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Coliseum Competition in the Heart of Horse Country

The prize list is online, and entries are openReserve your stall today! Entries postmarked by 2/24 will not incur a $35.00 late fee.

Lexington Spring Welcome Officials:

Judges: Anne Scinta Louise and John Roper
Steward: Dorothy Trapp
Course Designer: Chris Wynne
Show Manager: Keedie Leonard

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the Virginia Horse Center!

Big Improvements!

Barns 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 have newly resurfaced stalls, and stall mats are in place! Barn 8 is in progress and the rest of the barns are set to be done by spring!